

Non-electric wire mesh enclosures are used for livestock, but other materials may be used also. In order to protect livestock from wolf attacks you need to ensure that predators would not get in neither over the top nor under the bottom of the fence. A wolf can pass or dig under the bottom of the fence, it also can jump over the top especially if it can hitch on the fence. Unlike the electric enclosure or net there is no additional deterring element so the protection is harder. In order to prevent wolf from passing under, a gap between the fence and the ground has to be minimal (ideally, no gap). To prevent from digging under, you may dig the fence up to a half a meter into the ground or install additional wire mesh on the ground in front of the fence which protects from digging, or stretch an electric wire or tape in front of the fence at a height of 10-30 cm. In order to stop wolf from jumping over the fence, it must be high – about 2 meters or so. The fence can be combined when a non-electric fence is supplemented with electric wires or tapes. Barbed wire must not be used near electrical elements to prevent the animal from catching on the needles, it should jump back freely on receiving an electrical impulse.


Non-electric enclosure most suitable for small farms with a constant location of livestock. Suitable for fencing a homestead, livestock barn. The combined enclosure can be movable.

Effectiveness 3stars

The effectiveness of the fence depends on the fence itself. A well-installed non-electric or combined enclosure can be just as effective as an electric enclosure, but it will be an inexpensive and complex building. Common fences or nets do not offer reliable protection from wolves, commonly they lack height and have an unprotected bottom, so wolves can overcame them.

Price 2stars

The prices for fences differ a lot. A solid fence suitable to stop wolves can cost much – even similar to the electric enclosure. While a cheap fence will not protect from predators at all.

Maintenance 3stars

Maintenance of non-electric enclosure is minimal: from time to time you need to check for weak spots. If found, fix them immediately. If the enclosure is combined, the electrical elements will need to be maintained in the same way as the electrical enclosures.

Installation requirements and recommendations:

  • About 2 m high or at least 1.10 m high if the non-electric enclosure is combined with electrical tapes / wires that are stretched at the top of the enclosure.
  • To prevent from passing or digging under the fence it can be dug half a meter into the ground or wide wire mesh can be placed on the ground in front of the enclosure so that wolf could not dig, or electric wire or tape can be stretched in front of the fence at a height of 10-30 cm, carrying at least 3000 V.
  • In a combined 1.10 m enclosure along with upper electric wire / tape, there may be an additional electric wire / tape stretched at a height of 80-100 cm in front of the enclosure to deter climbing / jumping.

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